Thursday, February 26, 2004

" The times they are a-changin' "..So sang Bob dylan and like so many of his generation,HE GOT IT DEADRITE !!
Things are changing all around me-people equations,attitudes,everything....Things that we take for granted and had become so comfy with,change suddenly and completely wreck the balance !!
The "intelligentsia" at IIT Madras has decided to close the krishna gate leading to velachery...No reasons given,no debate sought,no forethought on the consequences of their action-Just a plain-vanilla decision..
Do we live in a democracy ?Maybe we do but it ends at the IIT entrance !!
The mess is far off,there are no decent restaurants to eat inside campus,the gates are closed-Basically no breakfast...and if this not jail and third degree at that,I dont know what is !!
My blood boils when I think of all this,the meek response from the students and other stakeholders and the defeatist attitude of even some of my friends....
I guess their choices reflect their priorities...I'll be damned if i dont do anything pro-active w.r.t this !!

