Saturday, December 04, 2004


Once upon a time, a long time ago...the world was a sane place..Men roamed around in loinclothes..women in even lesser..the earth was a small place..the focus was on food and pro-creation.."I kill,I eat" was the motto..(For the food of course..not the pro-creation part..)
You grew what you could eat..You ate what you could digest...U Did not think about what the next day would bring forth..You got up when the sun rose and slept when the sun set..It was a nice and cosy existence..

Then..there came intelligence..Man(By man i mean Women not an MCP) wondered 'lets do something fantastic'..he introduced a cute little concept called "money"..You could buy stuff with with your neighbour and lotsa other things..

Somewhere down the line things started to change...

Cut-to Today...

The world is an insane place..You have a thing called a job..You get up at your ass off and go home late..You eat what has been cooked and is now cold..Stress is omni-present and deadlines are the gospel...You donot like your job and still need to go through the rigmarole..You plan for things that are not even remotely under your control..Your career-path,growth,salary, controls everything...

And You do not give a damn about procreation at the end of the day..U just need some sleep..

Where did we go wrong ? Wasn't the objective of man to enjoy his time on earth ? When did it change to doing stuff you dont care about and not doing the stuff that are most important to you ?

Almost all the people I speak to or have met in my life are unhappy with their lives..A disillusionment with the way they are going through this wonderful experience called life..Most have even given up..

And we have even coined a word for all this...It's called "Progress"


PS:Somethings havent changed though...Women still dress in very little clothing..

Monday, November 29, 2004

Division Bell....

Bought the Division bell cassette...finally..
The Summer of 2003 was probably my best ever..There was work,there was money,there was booze and there was a good group...
And in the midst of it all was Pink Floyd..And Division bell...especially "Coming Back to Life" and "Lost for Words"..
Thank you Kelya for the cassette..and thank you all for being so nice to me..

